free training for fathers

How I Hacked My Identity To Get Disciplined, Ripped, And Lead My Family With JOY

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Hello! I Am Chris Rodack, Founder Of The Global Men's Brand Rising Father and The Rising Father Podcast.

Here's a bit of my story, (More in the training) After getting married, having kids, and taking a public school teaching job, I let myself go.

I gave myself excuses to let up on my habits, health, and personal growth. I went from being ripped in my 20s to sloppy in my 30s.

This led to:

  • Worst shape of my life

  • Lack of energy

  • Lack of confidence

  • Lack of passion in my marriage

  • Hating what I looked like

  • Avoiding pictures

  • Constant inner frustration

  • Lack of presence

  • My once burning inner fire gone

Worst of all?

The model I was giving my children and the leader I was giving my wife.

So I Went To Work On Myself

And over the next few years I changed my life in every way.

  • Got ripped

  • Quit my job and started a business from scratch

  • Got disciplined again

  • Started reading, journaling, and meditating again

  • Created routines, habits, and systems for every area of my life

  • Stopped seeking the comfortable route and started seeking the UNCOMFORTABLE

  • Brought passion back to my marriage and presence to my children

Best of all?

I was finally proud of the man I was giving my family.

And I was proud of the man I became


I didn't make this change by buying the latest workout program, reading the latest study, or joining a gym for the 100th time.

The ONLY reason I changed is because I changed.

My Identity Changed.

Over these years I discovered that information is not the key to transformation.

Identity is.

You must become a person who can actually USE information, you don't need more of it.

I developed a process called IDENTITY HACKING that has 3 simple steps anyone can follow. (I explain how you can use this in the training)

I used this process to change my life, now it's changing the lives of men around the world.

Here's a few guys who used Identity Hacking to completely transform their lives.

These are members of my men's group

Men Of Fire

3 Steps To Transform Your Life

Watch How

The Identity Hacking System changed my life in every way.

These 3 simple steps finally got me disciplined, ripped, and leading my family with joy.

With this training YOU WILL LEARN:

  • My story

  • How I created this system

  • The three steps that create Identity Hacking

  • The exact step by step process you can follow and implement TODAY to get disciplined, ripped, and lead your family with JOY